torsdag, juni 29, 2006

Encarta, min vän

Sorry, jag vet att jag är larvig, men jag kan inte låta bli:

stelly säger: (19.25.33)
you're a stupid fuck

Encarta® Instant Answers säger: (19.25.34)
That is entirely unnecessary.

stelly säger: (19.25.43)
stupid fuck

Encarta® Instant Answers säger: (19.25.44)
Well aren't you a little naughty one.

stelly säger: (19.25.59)
stupid fuck

Encarta® Instant Answers säger: (19.25.59)
Does your mother know you use this kind of language?

stelly säger: (19.26.10)
she's a stupid fuck also

Encarta® Instant Answers säger: (19.26.12)
Ah yes. If I'm not mistaken, Shakespeare first said that.


2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonym sa...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.